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What are your child’s dreams? What are their goals?  And how hard are they willing to fight to achieve them all?…
These are the questions I’ve been asking my students since 1997, and I’m excited to ask your child these same questions!  I want young tennis players at Weil who dream big, who have big goals and who are willing to fight to achieve them!


Weil is a global community of students, teachers, coaches and residential parents united by our passion for tennis and academics.

Essentially, this is who we are at Weil: we are competitive, we train & compete as a TEAM, we love challenges, we fight harder than our opponents, we give our best effort in everything we do on the court and in the classroom, and we enjoy a close, supportive community at Weil Academy that feels like a “home away from home.”


Explore Weil and discover what makes Weil Academy so special. And if this looks like the environment you want your child to live, dream, study, achieve and train in, where you want your child to grow strong and develop into a healthy young adult, then I encourage you to contact me to see if they have what we’re looking for to be a Weil Lion!

So, come to Weil and Play Amazing!

Mark Weil, Founder & Academy Director


2025 Weil
Grad Andra Braicu
to Harvard!


2025 Weil
Grad Waverly Potter
to Univ. of Washington!


2025 Weil Grad
Mirielle Chedid-Daely
to Pomona College!


2024 Weil Grad
Claire Zhang
to Univ of Pennsylvania

2025 Weil Grad Andra Braicu to Harvard!


2025 Weil Grad Mirielle Chedid-Daley to Pomona College!

2025 Weil Grad Waverly Potter to Univ. of Washington!


2024 Weil Grad Claire Zhang to Univ of Pennsylvania (U PENN)!


Weil Senior Claire Zhang is headed to University of Pennsylvania (Div 1 – Ivy League)!

Claire Zhang, USA—University of Pennsylvania (Div 1 – Ivy League)

Rory Sher, USA—Denison University (Div 3), Scholarship

Brennan Damond, USA—Trinity College, CT (Div 3)

Weil Senior Matei Gavrea recieves Scholarship to Div 1 Power UC Santa Barbara!

Matei Gavrea, USA—UC Santa Barbara (Div 1), Scholarship

Nelson Alapi, USA—Bucknell University (DIv 1), Scholarship

Kaetan Mehta, CAN—Clemson University (Div 1), Scholarship

Senior Captain Rory Sher is off to Denison University (Div 3) with a scholarship!

Emily Liu, CHN—University of Illinois Chicago (Div 1), Scholarship

Liya Pomfret, USA—Vassar College (Div 3)

Ava Hayes, USA—Cal Lutheran University (Div 3), Scholarship

Weil Senior Nelson Alapi is set to be a Bucknell University Bison on Scholarship!

Garret Cozen, USA—Emerson College (Div 3)

Juan Pablo Paxson, MEX—Tulane University (Div 1), Scholarship

Michael Wood, USA—Nicholls State Univ (Div 1), Scholarship

Weil Captain Brennan Damond joins the team at Trinity College, CT!

Katarina Drinchich, USA—Hofstra University (Div 1), Scholarship

Taylor Stadjuhar, USA—Lewis & Clark College (Div 3), Scholarship

Taylor Levy, USA – Hardin-Simmons University ( Div 3 ), Scholarship

Weil Senior Ian Layton heads to Marist College on Scholarship!

Ethan Bloom, USA—Colby College (Div 3), Scholarship

Carter Fayard, USA—Williams College (Div 3)

Ian Layton, USA – Marist College (Div 1), Scholarship

Weil Senior Ava Hayes to be a California Lutheran Regal!

Ginger Parker, USA – University of Puget Sound ( Div 3), Scholarship

Nova Nehring, USA – Centro Internazionale Studi Montessoriani, ITA

Weil Grad Kaetan Mehta is a Clemson Tiger!

Sarosh Rustomjee, ENG – Loyola Marymount University ( Div 1), Scholarship

Maximiliano Lopez, MEX – Ottawa University, AZ ( NAIA), Scholarship

Weil Senior Keke Liu gets full scholarship to Div 1 Univ of Illinois Chicago!

Eric Schmidt, USA – University of Colorado ( Div 1)

Shichan (Nathaniel) Yang, CHN – University of Illinois Chicago (Div 1)


Weil Senior Mike Wood gets scholarship to Div 1 Nicholls State Univ!

Chiao Bo Suo Nan, TWN – Northern Illinois University (Div 1), Scholarship

Alejandro Huerta, USA – University of Portland (Div 1 ), Scholarship

Weil Grads Katarina Drinchich heads to Hofstra University and Ginger Parker is off to Univ of Puget Sound!


Weil Senior Liya Pomfret to be a Vassar College Brewer!